Gen-3 New Album “G3N0C1D3” Releasing September 8th

Rapper Gen-3 will be releasing a new release in 2023. Titled G3N0C1D3, the album will release September 8th. Production on the album will be handled by Su-Preme & Shaka Amazulu the 7th.

The Bandcamp description states:

This is Volume 2 of the Gen-Trilogy and as always it’s only released to those that care to listen, so will be ultra limited. The shelved version might surface eventually or maybe Not. Welcome to Gen-3

The Project started off with the concept of having a group to rival my other projects like Chessmen with The Black Knights and then Illuminati Network with Solomon Childs, Dexter Wiggle and Napoleon but this time detach myself from production duties and let another producer provide beats for entire project.

In keeping to the tradition of all my projects structured around a trilogy (knowledge, wisdom & understanding) I teamed up with Holy Smokes and a producer from Spain to work on Gen3. The project came to a halt due to a couple of reasons I wont get into but at that time we had already completed a full album and was working on the second installment, Complications lead to Smokes and myself carrying on without the Spanish Producer.

The ReBirth Generation 3!
Title inspired by the marvel superhero group Generation X, they say things happen for a reason, the end of the Gen3 project stimulated another idea, album was initially meant to be called Brotherhood of the Wulf, brotherhood (Collabs with people I have worked with over the years) with one producer, one engineer to mix it and another to master, of the Wulf (Keeping it all within the Wu) this time while still maintaining it as a trinity. BOTW expanded bigger than Gen-3 so I reverted back to the original idea and reworked the Gen3 project to fit into this evolution.

The completed album has been revamped and reworked into a better and more cohesive project with a darker and more rounded feel than its original intent. Every contribution that came though Smokes and myself were utilized on the project but the features, sound and ideas that the Spanish producer brought to the table were all changed.

Pre-Order on Bandcamp

The tracklist is as follows:

  1. Genesis [Intro] ft. Popa Wu
  2. Mask of Deceit Pt. 2 ft. Black Rose Kartel (Daddy Rose & Lord Salaudiin Rose)
  3. D.R.U.G.S. (The Smoker & The St8 Edge)
  4. 6 Pearls of Death ft. School of the Gifted (Dexter Wiggle, Napoleon, Solomon Childs & Rubbabandz)
  5. Dark Cloudz
  6. Sick With It (Pen Work) ft. Ancient COINS
  7. Key 2 Hell (The Crash Chambers Pt. 2) ft. 9th Prince & Warcloud

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