Tory Lanez 2021 Recap Playlist

Amidst multiple controversies, Tory Lanez has continued to release multiple albums. During this time he’s explored new and old sounds, and here we’ll recap them.

H.E.R.//Are You Dumb [Playboy]

One of Tory’s greatest talents are flipping old R&B cuts into new lush cuts. This is what makes his Chixtape series so good. On this track we get that side of Tory, this time flipping Brandy’s “What About Us?” The track comes complete with a beat switch that fully fleshes out the feel of the song.

Stream Playboy

We Outside [We Outside EP]

Tory not only does R&B singing well, but also is a passionate rapper. On “We Outside,” we get that side of him. This cut feels like an older NY cut, drums and a bounce that feels like something Chinx would’ve went over. While the rest of the EP is a bit lackluster, this is easily the best cut on it.

Stream We Outside

Hurt From Mercury [Alone at Prom]

The biggest sound change for Tory Lanez came on his album Alone at Prom. This album sees him exploring the sounds of the 80s, with the concept of prom and heartbreak surrounding it. While its easy to write this off as a knock-off of The Weeknd’s After Hours, this album provides a more genuine emulation of the 80s aesthetic. This album uses the classic 80s drum machines that made the sound so iconic, and Tory’s catchy lyrics of heartbreak are perfect around it.

Stream Alone at Prom

And This Is Just The Intro (Live) [Playboy Live]

Despite his extremely extensive catalogue of music, Tory has never released a live album. Playboy Live finally provides that. The event was originally livestreamed, and he truly gets to showcase his raw vocals during it. The intro is one of the most impressive on it, nearing a total of seven minutes of performance. The track is elevated from his original album in this live rendition, with the help of the live band surrounding it adding small flourishes to the original instrumental.

Stream Playboy Live

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