On his sophomore release, Sauce Gohan returns to let everyone know he’s here to stay. Surviving a shooting in the head, his latest release is focused on not the event but the survival. This release is more a celebration of his life rather than the depressive moments on Baby Goat. While the album has plenty of mixing issues, songs being either instrumentally too loud or vocally too low, the content of the record is some of his best yet.
The intro to the album, “Living Proof” is his strongest testament to date. He discusses the shooting but with a burning passion for the life he lives. He notices that he’s here for a reason and doesn’t want to take any moments for granted. A life of turmoil behind him, he looks forward to what’s to come.
Without a doubt one of the biggest highlights on the album is “Elves Onna Shelves.” He recalls a depressive Christmas morning, where instead of receiving presents, he sees the scene of a robbery. Meanwhile, Sauce Walka recounts an experience of seeing a murder at such a young age that’s so traumatic he tells it with extreme detail. Horrors all around them, they managed to find their way from the darkness to where they are today.
I got shot up in the face but not the fucking heart
Tracks like “Okay Drip” drop into the celebratory fashion life that TSF has become known for. Being another collaboration with Sauce Walka helps in its presence, as Gohan kicks off the track calm and collected but Walka hits his electrifying flow. That track may be quintessential in TSF fashion, but tracks like “On The Block” hear him hit some menacing bars over a Michigan style trap beat. This one unfortunately highlights the mixing flaws of the album, sounding like the vocals just sit on top of the beat rather than within it, yet it still manages to be a memorable track.
It may be a long listen, spanning twenty-three tracks, but he keeps the album moving along with his personal stories. His constant balancing act of the traumatic life he knows & the trap life he celebrates makes for a fairly even listen. His iconic menacing laugh acting as an intro to many of his tracks never gets tiring, something that seems to be a common theme within the TSF roster. With Gohan once again proving his musical ability, this time recognizing his God status, the world isn’t ready for what he may do next.