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At first glance, everything about this project seems like it should be the makings of a classic. Pi’erre at this point is one of the best producers of the new gen, and Juicy J has proven to be nothing be a legend. Forcing Pi’erre to work with a proven innovator of hip hop is what everyone has been waiting for, as his previous collaborators have been extremely disappointing on the mic. The asterisk attach to this one however is Pi’erre is also rapping, which is already divisive as is.
On this one, despite working with a true great of the genre, its as if Pi’erre leveled down. His performances aren’t lazy like on the TM88 collaboration, this time they are laughably bad. The intro track “You Want It” is the greatest rug pull ever down on a record. You get this classic Three 6 Mafia style production with Project Pat mixed in to the beat, and then suddenly Pi’erre’s hook hits. “You want it, I got it, You want it, I got it, You want it, I got it” repeats five times & that should easily be enough for you to click out.
If you dare to continue though, more disappointment awaits. The lead single from the album easily tricks you into thinking it will be solo Juicy J track, as its devoid of Pi’erre. Juicy’s flows haven’t aged a day & he still packs in plenty of druggy bars that still feel clever. Yet Pi’erre walks in & has the balls to say:
She gave a treasure, Peter Pan (Woo)
Juicy J & Pi’erre Bourne – This Fronto
Every time there’s a moment of brevity is always thanks to Juicy J absolutely killing it. What is easily the best beat here, “Uhh Huh”, has this bass that slowly rises slaps you right into the next verse or hook. This same song has Juicy hitting these fun flows ending “Uhh Huhh” and pack in plenty of unique flexes.
Imma take a picture of your bitch on her knees & sell that motherfucker as a NFT
The biggest problem is here is that Pi’erre doesn’t even come close to matching Juicy’s energy. While Juicy is still a master of the Memphis flow, Pi’erre decides to… sing? If you can even call it that, that is. This sort of works on his own solo material, because it flows together & meshing well sonically. Here however, it feels like a Juicy J album with Pi’erre tacked on, which results in a horrible clash of sounds.
Unfortunately, this results in another throwaway project for Pi’erre & Juicy J’s respective discographies. Pi’erre has failed to outdo TLOP4, which still sounds fresh as its beats flow directly into one another & slowly become musical earworms. Juicy J’s efforts here are easily the highlight, but it would blur into a greater playlist of his more recent mixtapes. Even though their efforts separately have amounted to fantastic material that will influence the genre forever, they fail to create something greater together.