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Hip Hop & fashion are tied strongly together, but every now & then, both worlds crash together in spectacular fashion. Sneakers of all fashion pieces can be used to tell various stories, and probably no pair was more generous of doing so than the Damien Lillard & Shaq 2021 collaboration, Damenosis.
The shoe blended both of the respective basketball players signature shoes. Using the colorway of the black & white pair of Shaqnosis, and combining it with the sleeker design of the Dame 7. Not only is there an interesting blend of legendary players, but it also caused a crossover of two brands. A rarity in sneakers, the shoe is an official collaboration between Reebok & Adidas, with Shaq & Damien being representatives of the respective companies.
Embracing the mashup feel of the shoe, it creates the feeling of older hip hop mashups. Both players being rappers as well, the black & white pair has both of their rapper names along the shoe. Text reading “DAME D.O.L.L.A. FEAT. SHAQ DIESEL /DAMENOSIS” is placed to give the feeling of mixtape collaborations. If that weren’t enough, the eyestays toward the top of the shoe share the same coloring as RCA connectors.

There are two tabs along the shoe, one being just the two brands’ logos & another one along the inner ankle with a barcode. While the retail pair doesn’t seem to have any function (after multiple tries of scanning it yields no result), a sample pair had surfaced that had an interesting use.
On the retail pair you get the Adidas logo along with “DAME D.O.L.L.A. EXT/PLY,” but the sample pair, it trades DAME D.O.L.L.A. with simply stating “SCAN/PHONE HERE.” As stated in a reddit post, this takes you to Pusha T’s album My Name Is My Name. That album had iconically used a simple barcode for its album art, returns in this pair. Damien Lillard had also collaborated with Pusha T for a pair of Dame 6s, titled “I AM MY OWN FAN,” so to be referenced in a sample pair doesn’t seem too unlikely.