Slime Dollaz 2023 Recap Playlist

With countless releases in 2023, Slime Dollaz was releasing tracks seemingly every day. His signature subtle flow with a unique ear for production comes together to make some of the most interesting tracks out right now. Here we’ll go over some of the highlights of his 2023.

What’s Wrong [The Life of Slime]

In my opinion, of all his releases of the year, this is his most notable. A collaborative effort with producer Cashcache!, who already has a unique approach to beats utilizing space & layering, the two come together to play directly to their strengths. Slime Dollaz falls into all the pockets perfectly, letting all his bars breathe within the sparse beats. Even though Cashcache!’s signature sound is here, even goes outside the comfort zone on some tracks like “What’s Wrong,” which has many more sounds than what’s usually found on other tracks.

rock out 2 [Discreet]

A collaborative EP with wizardpem, Discreet is a short listen with many ear-catching moments. Wizardpem’s production is lush & down right beautiful, as Slime Dollaz comes through with endless trap bars for the hustlers. With such a short runtime, there’s no time for any misses, delivering all hits.

Walk Down [SLIME LIFE]

While Slime Dollaz lane seems to be those subtle beats, he can go in over some heavier sounds too. SLIME LIFE is filled with them, thanks to production being handle mostly by producer DTM Life. Throughout the project, Slime raps over some booming, futuristic sounding beats that allow him to perform at his most energetic. If the last two projects do not align with your tastes, then I urge you to check this one before giving up.

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